
Daniel Thomson
ダニエル トムソン
PHOTO:シ・ワールド提供    TEXT&INTERVIEW : RED-Y&Daniel Thomson






-- まずは自己紹介からお願いします。

-- Tell me a bit about yourself....where do you hail from? Who are you?

今はフリーサーファーと自身のTOMOサーフボードのシェイパー、そしてデザイナーとして活動しているよ!オーストライリアのレノックスヘッド近くにあるリズモアという町で生まれたんだ。ホームブレイクはレノックスヘッド。初めてのサーフィンは3歳の時。シェイプの初体験をしたのは5歳の時だったかな。幼かったのもあるけど、物心ついた時には身のまわりには既にサーフィンの環境が全て整っていて、ごく自然な事だったから当時の事はあまり印象に残ってないかな。僕は人生においてサーフィンを単なるスポーツではなくアートとして捉えている。スタイルやテクニックは勿論大事な部分だけど、革新的にかつ純粋に波に乗る方法を、僕のシェイプするボードを通してクリエイトしていきたいと常に考えているんだ。現在はプロとしてのフリーサーファーを職業にしつつ、自分のサーフボードビジネスもうまく行き始めてる。 今僕がサーファーとして夢の様なこの世界で生活していけるのは、日本のスポンサーであるBROS SURF SHOPとAXXE CLASSICのサポートのお陰だと思っているよ。

my name is Daniel Thomson, I am 28 years old, Surfboard shaper/designer and professional freesurfer. I was born in Lismore NSW Australia near my home town Lennox Head. I first began surfing at age 3years. My first experience with surfboard shaping was as early as 5 years old, I actually have not many memory of my first surfing experiences, so you can say I was born into a surfing life.
I have dedicated my life to study the art of surfing, be that , surfing style and technique or looking for a more innovate and pure way to ride a wave through building surfboards. Today I am a sponsored freesurfer and I run a growing a surfboard business, I am living my dreams as a surfer with special thanks to my sponsors here in Japan Axxe Classics wetsuits and Bros surf shop.

-- プロサーファーになるきっかけは何だったの?

-- What was your ticket into becoming a paid professional surfer?


When I was Teenger I used to compete in many contests, with mixed results. I have mostly been an underground rider, but it wasn't until I traveled to california about 6years ago that I gained finacial sponsorships that allowed me to travel and surf professionaly.

-- プロサーファーとして自分はどんなタイプに属すると思う?

-- What type of surfer do you consider yourself as a professional? Do you think you emulate anyone in particular??


I would say I am my own style of rider, there is no other surfer that I who can really realate too. I just love to travel and
study surfing and surfboardsI guess I am like a modern day freesurfer/ designer, someone like Wayne Lynch is guess.

-- 普段サーフィンしてるホームブレイクはどんな感じの波?

-- Where is your home surf turff?


 My home break is a great wave, a long right point break wave with lots of power, great for testing new equipment and refining your style. But be carefull of the rocks, they can be dangerous!

-- シェイプを始めて何年くらい経つの?

-- How long have you been shaping?


I shaped my own boards since I was about 14years old and I have slowly improved my designs and grown a small customer base each year,
over the past few years I have expanded my customer base to overseas markets like Japan.

-- 現在、君がデザインしシェイプするボードは、どう言った位置付けにあると思う?

-- Where are you at now in surfboard shapes and designs? What is in store for the future?

時間が経つにつれ刺激が薄れてきたんだろうね。2004年、ちょうどそんな時にハイドロダイナミカを製作中のリチャード・ケンビン氏と、彼の所有するスティーブ・リズ氏(サンディエゴフィッシュの産みの親)のシェイプしたLis Fishに出会ったんだ。そのLis Fishのスムーズでピュアなフィーリングやスタイルにすっかりのめり込んでしまったんだよ。その出会いから、今風のモダンなショートボードのコンセプトとフィッシュのコンセプトを融合させ、双方の良い所を併せ持つ、機能的でユニークなシェイプを目指す様になっていったんだ。


For many years I shaped modern shortboards (thrusters) only. But over time I grew bored of the predictabe way they ride a wave. I was fortunate to meet Richard Kenvin (Hyrdodynamica) in 2004 where I was introduced to the tradional Lis fish. I loved the smooth pure feeling of the fish and it really suited my style. Since then I have focused on refining this design to incorporate the best features of modern high performance. So you could say its a mix of a modern thruster and fish, only retaining the best features of both designs.
The result is a unique combination of speed and fluidity and sharp, precise turning capabilty. I have named this new surfboard category Hydrofoil design' because I don't want it to be considered a fish design and therefore be labeled ' retro'. My surfboards are the opposite of retro, they are Ultra modern.

-- 君のユニークなボードデザインは、今のサーフィン界にタイミングよく、すんなり受け入れられるかな??

-- Do you think the surfing community is ready to embrace your unique designs??


I have always tried to push the limits of design and what is considerd accepatble in the mainstream market, so in many ways I am a non-conformist.. Obviously I would like to be successful in my business, it depends on the open mindedness of the surfing marketplace, but I think times are changing,
many of the worlds top surfers are experimenting with new and different equipment looking for a competitve edge. Perhaps my creations are an exmple of what many surfers are looking for to highten their surfing experience. Time will tell.

-- サーフィンを始めたきっかけは何ですか??

-- hat was the main catalyst that got you hooked on surfing??


  I was born into a surfing family by the beach so I was very lucky, I have always enjoyed the water and I could never imagine spending my time doing anything else.

-- コンテストについてはどんな感じ?

-- What are your thoughts on competing?


I have never won a major professional surfing event, I don't think I have the killer instinct to be a successful competitor.
I occasionaly enter a competition just to see what level I am performing and how my boards are performing compared to other elite surfers.
I managed to place 5th in the Japan WQS billabong pro in Chiba last September, it was the first professional event I had entered in 5years, so I was pleased to gain a strong result and prove my designs are working well.

-- レノックスというアンダーグラウンドエリアからフリーサーファー/シェイパーとして最近名前が出てきたよね。何が君をここまで導いてくれたと思う?

-- You've achieved quite a name for yourself as a free surfer/shaper in the last few years for some underground kid out of Lennox. What keeps you driven?


It is a great feeling to accomplish a goal whatever it may be because every aspiration must begin with the mind and a feeling. Achieving the goal comes with self belief, and to follow something through until its achieved, there is no better feeling I think. It is what motivates me everyday.

-- 君が考える、素晴らしいサーフィンとはどんなスタイル?

-- What do you consider good surfing?


In surfing good technique is the abiltiy to position your body to flow with the energy of the wave,
being able to maintain speed at all times and keeping control and staying relaxed when performing turns.

-- プロのフリーサーファー、ボードクリエイター、トラベラーの顔を持つダニエルの未来、そしてゴールとは?

-- What are your goals with what you are doing as a Pro- Freesurfer Board creator  traveler?


I just like to keep pushing myself in and out of the water, I create inspiration within myself to see what is possible and maintain motivation to achieve perfection, even tough this may be impossible, I feel it brings the best out in yourself.

-- 本当にインタビューありがとうございました!最後にサーフィンレップスを見て頂いてる人に一言お願いします!!

-- On a final note, do you have any message for our viewers on SURFING REPS?


Thank you everybody for reading. I hope I can inspire surfers everywhere to explore new areas of surfing, I really believe surfing has a big and exciting future beyond traditional thruster style surfing. Surfing should be pure speed and freedom on a wave but also exciting and awe inspiring performance, this is a future I can see very soon.


名前 Daniel Thomson (ダニエル・トムソン)


出身在住 オーストラリア レノックスヘッド リズモア在住
H.P TOMO SURF BOARDS : http://www.dantomo.com/
TOMO SURF BOARDS JAPAN : http://dantomoj.exblog.jp/
AXXE CLASSIC : http://www.axxe.jp/